These are 13 tips to looking and feeling good daily:

Wake up before your alarm clock.

Perform your morning beauty routine.
In the shower >> Rinse your hair (shampoo whenever you want, but don't shampoo more than 3 times a week) and wash your body.
Blot your hair dry or use the cool setting on your hair dryer, but avoid the scorched-earth approach >> heat can damage the delicate cuticles.
Use a brush with smooth or rounded teeth or bristles, which will massage the hair and scalp without damaging them (this helps to find the right brush for your hair).
Remember, hair is most fragile when wet.
Wash your face >> Use a moisturizer that has vitamins B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin E, and alpha-hydroxy acids.
Remember to read labels on everything. Use a moisturizer that has UV protection >> You want to protect your face during the day and feed it with nutrients at night.
Use deodorant, not antiperspirant >> We believe you don't need to stop the natural body function of sweat; simply use a deodorant to mask any unpleasant smells.

Have your breakfast
It may include 100% whole grains, healthy fat, fresh fruit, or a little healthy protein—such as egg whites, which contain skin-nourishing biotin
but don't ever think about fast food at breakfast time, since we find that most breakfast fast food violates every good nutritional guideline.

Sneak in a mini-workout.
Practice good posture every day (sitting and standing), and you'll be amazed at the changes in how you look and feel.
Back straight, butt in, chest out, shoulders back, head high, jaw aligned, making sure your top and bottom teeth aren't touching each other. Focus.

Greet everyone you meet with or talk to with a hearty smile—a genuine one. Upbeat people excel. Upbeat people have good relationships. Upbeat people feel good.

Have a mid-morning snack.
Try nuts or green tea (they contain biotin, which helps you metabolize fat and carbs)
and they also help you stay satisfied, 
Add an apple or carrot — nature's teeth whiteners.

Lunch break!

Notice the green.
Whether you're at home or at work, take a moment and notice the greenery around you.
The feeling of living things can be healing, comforting, and empowering (which is especially nice in times of stress).  They also add oxygen to the environment.

Have one glass of alcohol with dinner.
Our favorite is red wine because it has tremendous cardiovascular benefits, and the resveratrol (from the grape skins that give the wine its color) helps cells live longer.
Lean toward a meal with healthy fat, protein, and fiber, and use small plates to help control portion size.
Cover half your plate with vegetables. And make sure you eat early enough that the rich pharmacy of chemicals and calories in your food will be digested and won't interfere with your sleep (or deposit themselves on your thighs).

Relax—but not completely.
While watching your favorite shows or enjoying your hobby, stay active by doing other physical activities.

Get ready for bed.
Prepare yourself for bed with any cleanup duties... Brush your teeth, wash and exfoliate your face (wash with fragrance and residue-free soap), and use a moisturizer with vitamins A and C (remember, you're feeding your face at night, when the sun cannot denature all the restoring antioxidant vitamins).
Make sure the lights are dim and the room is cool so you can gently slip into restorative sleep rather than attempting to abruptly "fall" asleep.

Have sex.
Feel beautiful. Tell your partner what you need (and ask your partner the same). On alternate days (days, not weeks!), you can read a few pages of invigorating prose.

Do this for 2-3 minutes. Just kidding.

Drift into sleep.
With a peaceful meditation, thank your higher power of choice for the beauty of the day.
Remember what made you most grateful today and please note that you have nearly eight hours before you have to wake up.

Do these daily and see  for yourself.

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