Is that the real Slim Shady? Eminem appeared at the Wall Street Journal's Innovator Of the Year Awards in New York City

on Wednesday, Nov. 5, and looked noticeably aged and gaunt.

Wearing a black beanie, Eminem, whose real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III, looked worn beyond his 42 years of age.

The Grammy winner, who has admitted to once regularly taking 10 to 20 Vicodin pills a day, entered rehab for his pill

addiction in 2005 and told Vibe magazine following the stint, "Valium, Ambien, the numbers got so high I [didn't] even

know what I [was] taking.”

In 2013 documentary How to Make Money Selling Drugs, the "Guts Over Fear" singer admitted that he almost died 

following an overdose. "My bottom was going to be death…I didn't feel any pain. [The pills] just kind of numbed 

things…had I got to the hospital about two hours later, I would have died. My organs were shutting down. My liver, 

kidneys, everything. They were gonna have to put me on dialysis, they didn't think I was gonna make it."

Once he finally got clean, Eminem said he had to regain his motor skills and talking skills.

 "It's been a learning process," he said in the film. "I'm growing. I just couldn’t believe that anybody could be naturally happy or naturally function or be just enjoying life in general without being on something."

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